Raja’s Introduction to the PyaR Program

These are a series of Raja’s talks in order by date.

Raja Explains:

Spectra and Claire Dorman’s paper [Feb 2021]

The Dynamics of Galaxies and Mergers [Feb 2021]

Standard Deviation [Feb 2021]

The astrophysical importance of the color magnitude diagram [Feb 2020]

Galaxies, how galaxies move, astronomy & astrophysics background [Oct 2020]

Raja Talks About:

The Andromeda Galaxy and a Quick Tour of Scientific Papers [March 2021]

The structure of the science article [Feb 2020]

Measuring stars in the Andromeda [May 2020]

Real Spectra of Andromeda Galaxy [Sept 2020]

The Exciting World of Astronomy [Oct 2020]

Closing Thoughts:

Recap and Closing [Sept 2020]